God’s strength, presence, love and fullness are greater than Christians can imagine, Southern Seminary chapel speaker Stephen Rummage said, Oct. 22.
Rummage, senior pastor of Bell Shoals Baptist Church in Brandon, Fla., preached from Ephesians 3:14-19, where Paul prays for spiritual strength. Rummage spoke about God’s vision for his people, which is greater than they can imagine.
“Your God has a vision for you that you can’t see yet. And it’s greater than anything you can ever imagine. As you walk with Jesus Christ day in and day out, he will work in you and on you,” Rummage said.
Rummage, who served as a second vice president for the Southern Baptist Convention, 2009-2010, gave four reasons that God can do more than Christians imagine to accomplish his purpose.
The first reason, Rummage said, is that God’s strength is greater than people think. He said that God strengthens his people with, through and in the Holy Spirit’s work. The Holy Spirit allows Christians to accomplish things that they never could do alone, Rummage said.
“Strength is to take something that is weak and wilting and make it strong,” Rummage said. “God’s power is his can-do ability in your life to do what you can’t do on your own.”
Second, Rummage said, God’s presence is greater than Christians can imagine. He spoke about their attitude concerning the study and meditation of Scripture, noting Christians often give only one area of their life for Christ to rule, but he deserves all.
“When Jesus came into your life, he didn’t come to take a seat. He came to take over,” Rummage said.
Rummage’s third reason, he said, is that God’s love is greater than Christians can imagine. He said that no matter the situation, Christ’s love is sufficient for life. God wants Christians to build the foundation of their lives on his love, Rummage said.
“God wants you to grow deep roots into his love,” he said.
His fourth and last reason was that God’s fullness is greater than Christians can imagine. Rummage said that God’s fullness is his absolute control in a person’s life. It’s him reigning over every part of life, Rummage said.
“God’s fullness is his absolute domination, control, lordship and satisfaction in your life,” he said. “As you are filled with his fullness, he will accomplish more than you can ever ask or think.
He concluded his sermon noting that Christians will face difficult days, but with the power of the Holy Spirit and the truths he spoke about from Ephesians, Christians will represent Christ even on those days.
Audio and video from Rummage’s sermon are available at sbts.edu/resources.