Southern Seminary president launches new “blog”

Communications Staff — July 31, 2003

LOUISVILLE, Ky.—A new weblog at features regular analysis of theological, ethical and cultural issues from R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

The weblog or “blog” as it is commonly called, allows Mohler to engage issues immediately as they arise during the course of a day. Mohler, who regularly appears on television, radio, and in print, said the weblog is a particularly valuable forum because it offers the opportunity for immediate response to breaking issues.

“Those who know me know that the issues that really concern me are theology, the great ethical issues of the day, the intersection of Christianity and culture and the responsibility of Christians to develop a Christian worldview,” said Mohler.

“We are living in a fast-paced society in which response really can’t wait days, weeks, or even 24 hours. That is what makes the blog an exciting way to communicate, analyze, think, and even think out loud in print.”

Mohler plans to provide at least one major posting per day. Some days there will be multiple postings as events of particular days demand.

Mohler calls the weblog the “Mars Hill” of the Internet, referring to the apostle Paul’s sermon delivered before a gathering of Greek philosophers on the famous hill in Athens, Greece. That is, the weblog is rapidly becoming a pivotal forum within the contemporary marketplace of ideas.

Not only will the blog allow Mohler to help Christians think biblically about the issues of the day, but it also gives him the opportunity to minister to a new audience as a writer and cultural analyst.

“I’m excited to have this opportunity because it will allow me to post, for immediate publication, the ideas and responses and analysis of what is going on in the world today,” he said.

“It is an extension of my ministry in the media and in writing and in public speaking. Through the blog, I can speak to people who I would otherwise never be able to reach.”

To access the Mohler weblog, please see:

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