Mohler to participate in ‘The Changing Face of Marriage’ forum in Cincinnati

Communications Staff — April 15, 2015

mohler-about-imageR. Albert Mohler Jr., president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, is scheduled to appear tonight on “The Changing Face of Marriage” forum on Cincinnati’s WCPO-TV.

The forum, co-hosted by Cincinnati’s WCPO 9 On Your Side and Decode DC, will be streamed live beginning at 7 p.m. (EST):

Several other experts will join Mohler, who has written widely on marriage, family and the sexual revolution in America:

  • Stephanie Coontz, professor of history and family studies at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, and author of “Marriage, A History;”
  • Alphonse Gerhardstein, a civil rights lawyer from Cincinnati who represents the Ohio plaintiffs in the Supreme Court case;
  • Martin Cothran, senior policy analyst for The Family Foundation of Kentucky; and
  • Chris Seelbach, the first openly gay member of the Cincinnati City Council.

Andrea Seabrook, host of the Decode DC podcast, and Julie Dolan, host of The Now Cincinnati, will emcee the forum, “which will explore how marriage has evolved over time — in the courts and in the beliefs of people across the country,” according to WPCO.

On April 28, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in cases from Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee and Michigan challenging bans on same-sex marriage.

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