Dr. Duane Garrett headshot

Understanding Jeremiah: An Interview with Dr. Duane Garrett

February 20, 2025 • 4:00 pm

Join the Bookstore for Dr. Garrett’s new book release.

Thee Bookstore at Southern | Thursday, February 20, 4 – 5 p.m.

Dr. Garrett will be interviewed by Dr. Howell regarding his latest book, Understanding Jeremiah: Its Setting, Composition, and Message. This event will highlight common themes interwoven throughout the book of Jeremiah and offer a rich overview to these prophetic writings. A brief Q&A will follow.

Dr. Garrett is the Chair of the Department of Old Testament. He is also the professor of Old Testament Interpretation, a position he has held since 2004. Prior to Southernhe served on the faculty of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Bethel Seminary, Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary, Mid-America Baptist Seminary, and Korea Baptist Seminary. He also serves as the general editor for The Archaeology Study Bible from Zondervan Press. Garrett is married to Patricia, and they have three children. Garrett is a member of Westport Road Baptist Church.

“The book of Jeremiah is full of beauty and brokenness, joy and sorrow. These themes are interwoven throughout the book, often without context or introduction, which can leave the present reader without the full picture of what the passage conveys. In Understanding Jeremiah: Its Setting, Composition, and Message, author Duane A. Garrett steps back from verse-by-verse commentary to provide a bird’s-eye view of the book, giving rich background information to these prophetic writings. This three-thousand-foot view of Jeremiah gives specific insight into the politics, governance, and key players in Judah, Israel, and the surrounding nations; Jeremiah’s life and its witness to holy living; the structure and composition of the book of Jeremiah; and the broader message of Jeremiah. Garrett’s thorough discussion of the book of Jeremiah is informative to both student and scholar alike, giving all readers a more thorough understanding and appreciation of Jeremiah, the book and the prophet” – back of book

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