Pastoral Soul Care Event hosted by Kerusso & The Mathena Center

February 21, 2024 • 7:00 pm

Boyce College’s Kerusso and the SBTS Mathena Center for Church Revitalization will host “How to Care for Your Own Soul as a Pastor.”

The Bookstore at Southern | Wednesday, February 21 at 7:00pm

Boyce College’s Kerusso and the SBTS Mathena Center for Church Revitalization will host “How to Care for Your Own Soul as a Pastor” with speakers, Dr. Robert Jones and Brian Croft. This event is aimed towards soul care for aspiring pastors with the goal of strengthening their future ministry.

The two main topics addressed will be “The Importance of Caring for Your Own Soul” and “The Difficulty of Caring for Your Own Soul” as a pastor.

After the lectures, there will be a time of open Q&A.

Dr. Robert Jones (D.Min. Westminster Theological Seminary, D.Theol. University of South Africa) serves as Associate Professor of Biblical Counseling, and Chair of the Department of Biblical Counseling and Practical Theology at Southern Seminary.

Brian Croft is Senior Fellow for the Mathena Center for Church Revitalization and an Adjunct Professor at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is also the Executive Director of Practical Shepherding, Inc.

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Preview Day

Friday, April 11