A Short Guide to Women's Ministry book cover

A Short Guide to Women’s Ministry

October 17, 2024 • 4:30 pm

Join Mrs. Nora Allison and Mrs. Mary Mohler as they discuss Nora’s new book A Short Guide to Women’s Ministry

The Bookstore at Southern | Thursday October 17 at 4:30pm

Mrs. Nora Allison will be interviewed by Mrs. Mary Mohler regarding her new book, A Short Guide to Women’s Ministry. This event will uncover ways for women at every stage of life and spiritual maturity to grow to know God, be changed by him, and develop and use their talents and gifts in various contexts.

“How do we help women at every stage of life and spiritual maturity grow to know God, be changed by him, and develop and use their talents and gifts? In too many of our Christian contexts, leadership training and ministry opportunities for women are inadequate or totally absent. This short guide puts foundational principles and practical plans—grounded in biblical truth—at your fingertips so, whether you’re in a leadership role at your church or hoping to impact a few friends or neighbors, you will discover insights, wisdom, and impactful “how-to’s” to lead women.” – Book Cover

Are you ready to become a pastor, counselor, or church leader who is Trusted for Truth?

Preview Day

Friday, April 11